My interview skills Top 5

My interview skills Top 5

by Laurie Sedgwick, Candorful Interview Coach and Director of Career Management, Executive MBA Programs and Alumni, Cornell University Practice, practice, practice.  A rookie mistake in interviewing is thinking you can wing it. I...
What is “Personal Brand” Anyway?

What is “Personal Brand” Anyway?

By Mark Fehrn, Candorful Interview Coach   Understanding & Developing a Strong Personal Brand What is Personal Brand anyway? Understanding and developing your brand can be a difficult subject for many people, and often requires many working variables. Some of...
Did you really just ask me that?

Did you really just ask me that?

Hey, that’s not fair!  Have you ever been asked an interview question that was clearly out-of-line or made you feel massively squeamish? perhaps even angry? It happened to me for sure. It was a long time ago now but a highly reputable firm had a...

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